Friday, August 13, 2010

Your Purebred Pedigree Dog Disgusts Me.

Your purebred pedigree dog disgusts me. You are aware that your poor animal is inbred and genetically tainted? The animal is falling apart. You've managed to create a mutant. For cosmetic purposes. Pug's can't breathe, their spines are twisting. Spaniels are dying because their skull is too small for their brains. Bulldogs must now have caesarean sections in order to give birth, their skulls have become so inflated. Rhodesian Ridgebacks spines are deformed and the deformity causing the "ridge" is the desirable trait. The desirable trait in Rhodesian Ridgebacks , in fact, comes with the potential for a lethal skin disease that generates lesions on the skin that burrow into the spinal column and brain providing a gateway for deadly infection. 1 in 20 of these dogs are born without the ridge, a sign of a healthy puppy, these dogs will be culled. The culling of perfectly healthy dogs is common practice among breeders, if the dog does not display adequate genetic mutation, or as a breeder may call it "proper markings" the dog will be put down as a puppy.

This would of course be unacceptable in humans. The overwhelming majority of the population would be sentenced to death if the women were not between the weight range of 90-110 lbs and perfectly manicured. Same for men. We would have to be perfectly sculpted and groomed. The most vile part is that we breed these animals for their imperfections, for the genetic faults, and grotesque variations in their body.

If humans were to start breeding Mother to Son and Father to Daughter we would also have massive genetic defects breeding multiple genetic disorders in single individuals. There are an estimated 10,000+ Pugs in Britain, but the dog is so inbred it is estimated that out of that 10,000 there are 50 individuals. When did it become desirable for a dog to have no face? S*ck fucks. I would urge you to stop buying and breeding pedigree animals. All dogs lineage can be traced back to the wolf. The deformed skulls, bodys, spines, excess skin, lack of facial structure... these are not evolutionary traits. These are man made deformities created to fuel our ego. We have deformed another creature many times over to create something that we yet again see as cosmetically attractive. Where does our greed stop?

The Bulldog was bred to be agile, and to tempt the Bull. If the dog cannot move the dog dies. Do we think of bull dogs as agile creatures these days? No, but that is what they were originally bred to be. It started with practicality and function. A working dog. It has transformed from an already twisted vision into a now sick and debilitating trend. People are rewarded for breeding creatures that will inevitably end up sick and in pain.

If you are wondering why your dog is having seizures, it's because the animals brain has grown too large for it's skull. This is incredibly painful, think of a lasting migraine, something like a thousand pistons combusting and pushing all the pressure created by that inflating your brain and pushing against your skull and you'll have an inkling of what it feels like to be a Spaniel or toy dog breed.

The inbreeding of pedigree dogs has destroyed these animals. Some breeds will not live past the age of 5 without developing serious illness. We have created a scenario in which 90% of the genes present in dogs 40 years ago has been lost and the current genetic variation of pedigree dogs is 10% of what is was those few decades ago. In some countries this lack of genetic variation would be cause to list an animal as endangered. If the breeding continues as is, their will be a distinct and painful end for these animals. They will become infertile and they will die. Disgusting.

1 comment:

  1. the stretched out butthole is gross...but I wouldn't even watch that video.

    Resources Savvy. Site your facts about these mutations. Not that I'm not with you 100% but it'll just help your argument.
